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Where is Ryan?

Ryan Litwin

Where is Ryan?

That is a question that started being asked from the second day of the 4K for Cancer when my blog entries had their first no show. Throughout my preparations leading up to the summer, I promised a daily blog and constant updates throughout the summer. I gave out business cards and emphatically referred people to the address for my blog. Little did I know how ambitious this was. Regrettably, I hardly followed through with this. In fact, I never even posted a conclusion blog about the summer. I never posted a continuation after the 4K for Cancer ended and I never even acknowledged that I had stopped posting. I am sorry.


This is not meant to be a “poor me” statement. I am not looking for sympathy. But, even if there are no excuses for leaving my supporters out of the loop, I would like to explain why this happened.

Essentially, I had technical difficulties the entire way between poor phone service, inadequate Wi-Fi connections, and a lagging keyboard. By the time the end of the day came around where I was free to blog, I was exhausted, and this was the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to include everything in my blogs so that everyone could experience the journey with me. However, I was unable to do so and had to post incomplete blogs. As someone who likes their writing perfect, I hated doing this. I finally gave up when I posted the July 4th blog on July 30th. It was embarrassingly late. Immediately after the 4K for Cancer was completed, I was back at school, and life resumed.


Now, I have graduated from Sacred Heart University with my BSN. I am still studying for the boards since this has been slightly delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. But I finally have the time that I need to write these blogs. For the past few weeks, I have been writing and reminiscing about the journey that Team Boston and I were so lucky to experience last summer. I’ve been able to include events and details in each blog that I chose to omit due to time restraints. Some blogs that were half a page have transformed into multiple pages. I’m beyond excited to share these with everyone and I hope everyone enjoys reading them as much as I have enjoyed the writing process!

The plan going forward is to re-upload posts from before the 4K for Cancer started. I have offloaded everything except this post and re-branded the website. I will be posting a series of four blogs after today and before June 16th which is when the 4K for Cancer started last year. Some of these blogs will be repetitive from last year, but a lot of it is new to people as well. On June 16th, the Daily Blogs, and what I am truly excited about, will begin their postings. You can expect Daily Blog entries exactly one year after those events occurred. The Daily Blog will end on August 3rd, 2020, just as the 2019 4K for Cancer ended on August 3rd. After that, I will post another series of blogs reflecting on the entire journey. Using almost twenty pages of notes that I had taken throughout the summer of 2019, this will be possible.

So, thank you for continuing to support my journey! Going forward, you now know that the answer to the question, “Where is Ryan?” is writing!


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Ryan Litwin

The First Step Blog challenges its readers to confront their fears. Its messages are meant to encourage people to take the First Step to move on, allow their fears to empower rather than hinder their lives, and to persevere.

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